Designed by JCPS teachers as they were inspired by the revitalization efforts of the Russell and Beecher Terrace neighborhoods, the following Inquiry Design Modules (IDMs) reflect the inclusion of local history, civics, geography, and economics. Students will use IDMs to investigate sources and consider ways to take informed action in their own community. Aligning with the goals of Vision Russell to improve upon the experiences of community members, the teacher created IDMs aimed to improve the learning experiences of students through the inquiry standards of the Kentucky State Standards.
Teachers can choose from one of the four IDMs to investigate elements of our community. The inquiry structure allows students to investigate compelling questions and supporting questions through multiple local, state, and national sources. These IDMs help localize history, policy, geography, and economics, and help students share their own perspectives and lived experiences. These lessons can be used as stand-alone investigation opportunities or part of a broader curriculum implementation. These lessons will soon become part of the JCPS Social Studies Curriculum.